Wellfix Engineering Solutions has developed a septica sewer sanitation system WS4 which is one of its kind, and the latest solution to the sewer menace in Kenya. Our WS4 i.e. the septica sewer sanitation system, have been in use locally in both commercial and domestic buildings for the last 15 years without any problems
The WS4 system has been in use in Europe and Asia for decades. Wellfix Engineering solutions therefore adopted the system since it is cost effective, environmental and ecologically friendly, easy to install on-site sewer system which is very versatile and works in all types of soils and terrains.
Our WS4 Bio-digester model manages sewer ,purifies waste water and produces gas both for domestic and institutional use.
Currently, other services we offer include; general construction of modern houses, executive Plumbing and Interior design(Gypsum,Acoustic,Aluminium,Effects,Paints, Flooring,Wardrobes, Granite, Kitchen and Cabinets) Kindly contact us for more information. We give feedback prompty to all our potential clients. Welcome all!
Services,functions and benefits of the WS4-Biodigester
A. Using a bio-digester, all organic matter from the toilets (black water) is bio-degraded by aerobic and anaerobic bacterias.
B. Using a de-greasing manhole system and gulley trapping system, all solid in-organic matter is removed from the water originating from the kitchen, bathroom wash hand basins etc.
C. The water from the bio-digester, the de-geasers and galley traps is fed into:-
i) A French draining system which facilitates
soaking of the water back to the
ii) A filtration and treatment plant where it is prepared for recycling, in irrigation or re-use in the house for cleaning, flushing toilets etc
The WS4-Biodigester model serves any population i.e
from homes to commercial rentals to institutions with upto population of 10,000 users and above
Clients therefore are advised to state the potential number of users for them to get the appropriate size that serves their users without any problem.
The sizes are indicated below:
The NEMA and Ministry of Water & Irrigation have recommended and approved the Wellfixx Septica Sanitation System for use in handling all domestic, institutional and commercial house waste water in Kenya.
WS4 Bio-digester model has the ability to purify the waste water which is then recharged to the ground with little impurities which improves soil fertility and retains soil moisture.Due to myths and beliefs, we recommend its usage in all domestic chores except cooking and drinking.
A. Economical
i. Cheaper to install than constructing a conservancy septic tank and soak pit.
ii. Requires excavating only 1.1m deep holes and trenches.
iii. Requires very few manholes (inspection
iv. Occupies less space compared to ordinary septic
v . purifies waste water for use.
B.No exhausting of toilet discharge
i. No need for expensive honey suckers (septic
exhausting trucks).
ii. No reccurent expenses on exhaustion since the system doesn’t fill up for life.
C. No smell
i. Unlike the conservancy septic tank the
Wellfix sewer septica system doesn’t smell at all and eliminates infectious flies since highly hygienic
D. Environment Friendly
i. Re-charges ground water systems, thereby
enhancing availability of water in the ground,
unlike in the centralized sewer system which
pushes the water into oceans.
ii. The soil nutrients that are eaten by human
beings are put back in the soil through irrigation
or soaking thereby retaining soil fertility.
E. Guarantee/warranty
i.Wellfix Septica Sanitation System (on-site sewer
system) is a guaranteed by Wellfix Engineering
for five (5) years period after installation against
manufacturer’s defect.
Willis Ochieng' is a civil engineer and Chief Engineer of the Metropolitan Board of Works, at Wellfix Engneering Solutions and is incharge of the responsibility for the work
To be the leading company in Africa providing affordable water and waste management services with provision of biogas.
To provide reliable quality services offered by our company in an environmentally friendly manner that satisfies our clients' needs in Kenya and East Africa.
Your satisfaction is our happiness
“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas,
what’s missing is the will to execute them.
” – Seth Godin